Saturday, June 22, 2013


It's been a while since I've done a food post and since I love food this post is long overdue.  I thought I'd share some easy, quick, simple, and healthy recipes I've recently made. I'm always on the look out to make new recipes, meals that are easy and light.  Do you have any favorites?!  I want to hear about them!!

These peanut butter oatmeal butterscotch chip cookie dough balls were a hit.  They disappeared almost as quickly as I made them.  Hence why there are only 5 left in the pic. below.  Both Scott and I and the kids loved them. A great easy snack and healthy! It's no bake too! The recipe is (Here).

These are a new favorite and I make a new batch about once a week.  They are super healthy, and have lots of protein to keep us fuller longer. They are so much cheaper than the protein bars in the grocery store and I actually know what's inside them. I add 3/4 cup peanut butter and 1/4 cup almond butter and I didn't have apricots on hand so I used raisins.  I wrap in wax paper and store in fridge. The recipe is (here).

 These protein pancakes are a personal favorite of mine.  I usually have this breakfast at least 2 times a week.  Supposedly, if you mix egg whites and protein powder together you get a cake like consistency.   The recipe is (here).

I found this recipe on Pinterest and decided to give it a try since I had a zucchini to use up. These were delicious and paired great with a salad for lunch.  The kids even liked it!  The recipe is (here).

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