Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I had a really enjoyable Mother's Day this year!  The weather was great, the kids well behaved and got smothered with love. I didn't have to make one meal or snack all day long!  Why is it that food always tastes better when someone else cooks it?

I woke up to a perfectly made omelette and some OJ...the kids were fed and clothed too! The only thing I had to do was Katie's hair.

The kids made me gifts.  Mikey made me a lemon/orange/sugar scrub at school that he was SO PROUD of and really excited to give to me and Katie (with Scott's help) made me a bouquet of flowers out of popsicle sticks.  Adorable!

Our morning was spent laughing and chasing the kids at a playground we haven't been to in a long time and on our walk home we stopped at The Spotted Pig and had a nice Mother's Day brunch with a peach bellini for me!

I should probably also mention that across the street from the Spotted Pig there was a local fire station company doing some drills/tests using the extended ladder fire truck.  Scott and Mikey were in awe and after standing a watching for a few minutes the fire chief came over to explain what they were doing and asked if Mikey would like to sit in the fire truck while they did their tests.  Scott said yes and was practically half way across the street with the fire chief by the time he turned around and realized that Mikey, Katie and I were still standing there......someone was excited I guess!  But Mikey was content and happy to watch from the sidewalk so there was no going into the fire truck for us.

He watched in awe.

He is still watching the fire truck at lunch.

These are for you Mommy. :)

My silly girl.

After brunch we went home for a quick nap and I ran some errands by myself and in the afternoon we grabbed a few slices of pizza and headed to the park for more running around, slides, water guns, and soccer.

It is pretty amazing how even though we tried to sneak out the side entrance of the park and take the long way home, just to avoid the ice cream truck, we failed.  Mikey caught on super quick and refused to walk in the opposite direction of the ice cream truck.  Ugh! They know exactly where to park!!!!  So we ended up with ice cream....which was nice, especially because I wanted some for myself.  :)
Mikey's blue tongue and the ice cream smeared all over Katie's face gives a little
something to our family photo don't ya think?

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