Saturday, January 12, 2013

Matt in NYC

So my brother Matt drove us back to NYC today and he stayed the whole weekend.  Scott was more than willing to spend some quality time with the kids since he hadn't seen them in 2 weeks so Matt and I snuck out for a few hours on the town.  We didn't do anything crazy, just some touristy stuff but it was a lot of fun!
We took the subway down to Grand Central and walked around there a bit.

Always love watching the hussle and bussle of Grand Central and people watch.

Not sure what I was doing here, but this was at Bryant Park.  They still had the Christmas tree up!

It was huge!

Matt by the tree.

This awesome restaurant called Celcius overlooking the skating rink.  The outside tables each had their own heating lamp.

Skating looked very fun!  Hope to get Mikey here soon to try it.

The skyline from Bryant Park.

The New Years Eve ball on display in Times Square.

Okay, can't miss me in this pic.

Matt in Times Square.

I always see some new "group" posing for pics. in Times Square.


View of Times Square from the TKTS Stairs.

Me in Times Square

I was on the Times Square Jumbotron!
Here's a close up for ya.  See my mug? I'm the last person on the left giving the peace sign next to the lady with the yellow bag.

Radio City

Rockerfeller Square

Rockerfeller Square display made of Legos.

Beautiful Nativity at St. Patrick's Cathedral

It's so peaceful and scerene inside.
We were having such a good time walking from Grand Central to Bryant Park to Times Square, followed by Rockerfeller Square and then 5 pm mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral that before we knew it it was 8pm and we hadn't gotten anything to eat.  So we hopped back on the subway and grabbed a quick bit at the Shake Shack before heading home for the nite!
Dinner at Shake Shack.

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