Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Fosters are here!

Our friends from Rochester came to visit us this weekend with their adorable 6 month baby girl, Franchesca.  They were here for a few short days so we packed in as much as we could.  We thought about going to the Statue of Liberty (but that's closed indefinitely due to Hurrican Sandy) and then we planned on going to the 9/11 memorial however tickets for that were already gone so we ended up walking all over Central Park.  We hit many new paths and saw new parts of the park.  I love the fact that no matter how many times we go we always see something new.

We walked to the West Side and played at playgrounds, climbed on huge boulders and saw people ice skating.  We also went to FAO Schwartz (if you go right when they open you can hear the toy soliders playing the trumpet), Rockerfeller Plaza and Grand Central Terminal.  We are so thankful they came to visit and hope we can make it up there soon.

Mike and Angela

Cuddling at the play ground.  Just wait till Francesca can walk! Till then, I guess you can relax.

Loves the swing.

Overlooking the lake in CP.

Doesn't he look thrilled!?

A new trail! 

Katie, just strolling with the guys.

Mikey found a little time to climb the rocks.

Baby butt crack.

Let's see the view from on top of the big rock Mikey!

A great view indeed.

Mikey was making me so nervous. 

Angela poses.

Gotta love "BIG".

Okay, these candies in FAO are ridiculous!  She wanted it.

We always end up on the piano by ourselves.

This way Katie!

My best girl friend and I.

Okay I just got done running and sliding on the piano.  I am such a kid!  See Katie is looking back like "What the hell?!"

Not sure why we always get this pic. everytime we go but we do.

He found a truck with 2 other trucks attached to play with.

Grabbing it to take home.

Time to see the babies in the nursery.

And now walking through the tunnel of stuffed animals!

She tried to hug or pull out almost every animal she could reach.

Building decorated for the holidays.

Okay, so from $40 down to $7 we were inclined to buy it for him.

They have the rink operational at Rockerfeller.  We have to go back to see the tree.

Inside Grand Central Terminal.

First subway ride for Francesca.  Can't believe I don't have a pic. of her. Send me one Angela!

Subway ride home.

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