Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July in NYC

We spent the 4th of July in NYC this year.  We were enjoying having Scott home all week long and decided to get out before the heat became too oppressive.  We enjoyed a leisurely walk thru Central Park.  Our main goal was to get Mikey super tired. 

We have been finding that if he isn't super stimulated in the mornings that he doesn't take a nap and becomes super cranky around dinner time.  This typically results in him falling asleep at the dinner table, or taking a late nap and staying up late.

We found ourselves in different parts of the park that were really woodsy.  We walked past the Alice in Wonderland statue, (It's the first time we were at this statue by ourselves.  Normally there are kids crawling all over this statue!) near the boat house and through hidden pathways that lead us to the west side.  Turning near Delacorte Theater and across the Great Lawn we took a rest at the Pyramid Playground where we ran into Rosie Pope who was enjoying the park with her entire family. I spoke to her while Mikey was playing/trying to take her boys airplanes in the sandbox.  I played coy as though I had no idea who she was.  (I'm cool like that! J/K) 

We walked back home and all took naps.  We planned on watching fireworks from our roof however we were able to see them right from our apartment! 

It was a really great, relaxing 4th.  Hope you all enjoyed your 4th and remember Freedom is not Free!

Alice in Wonderland Statue

We were all decked out in Red, White and Blue.


The Boat House.

Gorgeous view of The Dakota from CP.  (Where John Lennon died.)

Walking through the woods in CP.  Felt like a jungle with the humidity. 

Rocky waterfall area.

more views.

Someone was getting tired.

Rosie Pope.  Quickly snapped a pic. before we left.

Happy 4th!

Not the greatest but I was playing around with the timer on my camera.

Here we are again.

Mikey was very snuggly tonight.

Mikey's cheese face. So adorable.

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