Tuesday, June 12, 2012


My birthday was on the 4th of June and our anniversary is on the 7th of June.  The past 4 years we joke that we celebrate my/our birthday/anniversary, since the two are so close together.
My entire family sang to me when we were in PA on the 3rd and then on the 4th I was sang to again by everyone.  Scott purchased a few cupcakes from Crumbs for us to gobble up!  The whole family enjoyed :)

I received a ring to complement the one I already have for Mikey except this one has diamonds and pink sapphires and we also went to see a broadway show called Rock of Ages!  It was fantastic and easily the best Broadway show we've seen to date.  They even created a movie based on the Broadway Show that comes out the 15th.


He was so happy to blow out the candles!


Delicious but huge! Think I'm covered for the next year.

Mikey enjoying his cupcake!

Katie enjoying some cupcake!

Finished off my 30th birthday with a double rainbow outside our window!  How cool!

Times Square!

It's always so hectic and crowded when we visit Times Square.

Elmo and the Statue of Liberty in the background - Times Square has everything!

We even saw the Naked Cowboy.

Awesome Show!

Ticket.  Saving for later in my lockbox. :)

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