Thursday, April 5, 2012

Katie at 8 months!

Wow - only 4 more months until our little baby girl is celebrating her first birthday! 

At 8 months:

Katie gets really mad/pissed when you take something away from her.  She throws a fit!
Katie is still lazy when it comes to tummy time.  Once you put her on her stomach she rolls right over and is content just laying on her back.  She has no interest in rolling back onto her stomach.

She loves to laugh at Mikey and Mikey loves to make Katie laugh.
Katie is down to 2 naps a day; typically from 9 to 10 in the morning and again from 2 to 4 in the afternoon.
She eats food during breakfast, lunch and dinner and wants to be with us at the table eating when we eat.

She wakes once at night.
Katie likes to sip out of a sippy cup although half of it dribbles down her chin.
Katie is still a total momma's girl and loves to get her picture taken. 

Here's some pics. of our photogenic girl!

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