Sunday, January 1, 2012


So - my typical New Year's Resolutions usually fall by the way side after a month.

I think my goals for this year are very reasonable and hopefully by sharing them with you, will help me stick to them. Here there are in order of importance.

1- Make more time for ME!  (I've already started this be making a hair appt. for 1/6 (going back to my natural lighter shade and a cut) (also getting my teeth whitened on 1/17.  A happier me means a happier family.

2- Eat more fruits and vegetables.

3 - work out 3 times a week.  Can include, yoga, pilates, weight training, running.

4- run in a marathon  (you know the old saying "you only regret what you don't do."  I know that if I don't run in a marathon while I still can that I'll regret not doing it later.)

Okay - Wish me luck.  I'll share pics. with you and update you on how I'm doing.

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