Monday, December 5, 2011

Katie 4 months old

We can't believe our little Katie bug is 4 months old.  In the last 2 weeks or so, she has really grown and gets stronger every day.
Here are some pictures of her.  (I realize that I have fallen victim to second child syndrome as I don't have many pictures of Katie.  I made a mental note to take more.)
Her stats: 13 lbs. 12 oz (55%), 25 inches long (91%), 40cm head circ. (25%).

At 4 months Katie:
Is still waking up 4 to 5 times a night.  We spoke to the doctor and this has become a habit so we are currently letting her "cry it out" to break this cycle.
Is a thumb sucker.  She won't take a pacifier.
Can giggle and laugh and smile.
Has started to reach for things.
Can roll from front to back.
Has great head and neck control.
Still naps 4 times a day.  Her naps are 45 minutes long.
She loves to watch Mikey, who has recently shown more of an interest in her.  Mikey likes to hold her, all the while saying "Heavy".
What a beautiful smile she has.

Such a pretty girl with those blue eyes.

Here she is laughing and chewing on her fingers.


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