Friday, November 4, 2011

Grandpa's Funeral

My Grandpa Jirik passed away on October 24th after suffering from Alzheimer's.  We drove to his funeral which was in Sauk Centre, MN (near St. Paul).    The kids behaved surprisingly in the car during the 9 hour drive (would have taken 7 without kids).  We celebrated my Grandpa's life during the short trip and got to meet up with family whom I haven't seen in years. His funeral was held at St. Paul's Church.  It was a beautiful ceremony.  Both of our children slept thru the service. (Thank you Grandpa!)  Here are some pictures from that trip.

St. Paul's Cemetary

Military Service

Grandparent's enjoying Katie.  She spit up on everyone.

Katie and her Momma

Great Grandma Jirik and Katie bug.

Aunt Jamie and Katie

Uncle Matt met Katie for the first time.

These two are trouble together!

Beautiful statues in the church.

Stained glass everywhere.

Grandpa and Grandma even got married here many year ago.

This sums up our life right now. One kid is always crying and the other is doing something they shouldn't be doing.

Someone isn't to happy.  Her bottom lip is a killer.

Grandma has the gift of gab. :)

Showing off her first granddaughter.

Quick pic with the Grandma's.

Family pic. missing Erica and Steve



Can't believe I got more than one pic. of Mikey smiling.

Someone's tired.

Telling Matt what I want for Christmas.

St. Paul's Church.

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